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Datafeed REST API

The Datafeed API is a specialized service designed to facilitate the retrieval of call data essential for updating collection results on a destination blockchain. It offers endpoints to access information about active collections and their related calldata, ensuring seamless integration and data synchronization across blockchain networks. The call data provided should be used to call the updateAndGetResult(bytes calldata _data) function described here.


API for the supported Testnet networks is

1. List of Active Collections

  • Endpoint: /collections
  • Method: GET
  • Description: This endpoint provides a list of active collections, detailing both their unique identifiers (ids) and their corresponding cryptographic name hashes (nameHash). It is intended to give an overview of all collections that are curently active in the protocol. The lastUpdatedEpoch tells us the last epoch the collections were updated on. For the current epoch check Razorscan.
  • Curl Example:
    curl -X GET ''
  • Example Response

2. Fetch Calldata of Collection

  • Endpoint: /collection/:nameHash

  • Method: GET

  • Description: This endpoint retrieves the calldata associated with a specific collection, identified by its nameHash. The nameHash is a unique cryptographic identifier for each collection, ensuring that the data retrieved is specific and relevant to the requested collection. This endpoint is crucial for applications that need to update or verify collection data on a blockchain.

  • Curl Example:

    curl -X GET '${nameHash}'

  • Example Response
